Services imagem


HVAC systems imagem

HVAC systems

To refresh your summer

This specialty is regulated by the DL. 145/2017, which requires it to be carried out by companies and technicians certified for handling equipment containing fluorinated gases, as well as maintaining specialized periodic technical maintenance.

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Thermal Solar Energy imagem

Thermal Solar Energy

Why choose Thermal Solar Energy?

The sun is the main energy source on Earth that originates most of the primary energies we use: fossil fuels, biomass, wind. All of them are a consequence of the sun and its relative proximity. Additionally, its direct use allows immediate benefits in the form of electricity or heat. This last way of making use of the sun is the most economical option of producing thermal energy.

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Photovoltaic Solar Energy imagem

Photovoltaic Solar Energy

Harnessing the Power of the Sun

Solar energy is the most abundant energy source available on our planet. Every 15 minutes enough sunlight reaches the Earth's surface to satisfy the entire world's energy needs for an entire year. Harnessing solar power has proven to be a reliable method of producing energy and, currently, states and countries obtain a significant part of their energy from solar panels.

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Charging electric vehicles imagem

Charging electric vehicles

Charging station

Produce your own fuel through photovoltaic energy!
We develop charging solutions for the mobility of the future, as well as energy concepts for individuals and companies.

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Biomass imagem


Climate your home with natural fuel

Used directly as fuel or through the production of energy from pyrolysis, gasification, combustion or co-combustion processes of organic material that is present in an ecosystem.

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Energy monitoring imagem

Energy monitoring

Control the production and consumption of your home or business

Analyze consumption from the Wi-Fi connection, identifying instantaneous and historical data of electrical consumption through any smartphone, tablet or PC, with the help of the application or the integrated web server. It is the ideal tool to make your electrical installation efficient, control and make decisions regarding energy costs.

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Pumber services imagem

Pumber services

Execution or installation of plumbing

A portfolio with different works in different businesses.
Rainwater and wastewater networks
Drinking water network
Irrigation network

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Applications for Financing imagem

Applications for Financing

Submission of community support

Study, budgeting, application and submission of applications and projects to community funds and funded support.

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